Gramatica - timpuri verbale - past tense, present tense, future tense referat

Present simple

Se foloseste prezentul simplu pentru a vorbi despre fapte care sunt in general adevarate si rutine in special cand specificam cat de des.

Ex: The planets go round the sun.

Venus orbits the sun.

Flowers bloom in the spring.

Sound travels al 332 metres per second.

My father never gets up late

I have breakfast al eight o'clock.

The Prime Minister always addresses parliament on Tuesday.

I don't smoke.

They never take their holidays in the summer.

Se foloseste uneori in istorisirea de povesti sau glume despre trecut

Ex: I walk into the shop and ask for the ring and the woman behind the counter tells me they're closed!

Se foloseste in comentarii cand se descrie scurte actiuni indeplinite cum au fost descrise

Ex: So, now I break the egg, add it to the other ingredients and put the mixture in the pan.

Se poate folosi la exprimarea viitorului cand se refera la un timp anume

Ex: Our bus arrives at 11.15 on Wednesday morning.

Our plane leaves at 6 am tomorrow morning.

The film starts al 8 pm.

School   starts again next Monday.

Se poate folosi dupa if when until, as soon as, before after cand o alta parte a propozitiei indica viitorul

Ex: We'll have plenty of time for lunch if the train arrives on time.

When you get here, we'll visit the museum.

Present continuous

se foloseste cand se vorbeste despre actiuni ce se petrec in acel moment

Hi! What are you two doing?

Nothing really. We're just talking.

se foloseste cand se vorbeste despre actiuni dintr-un prezent mai lung(dar tot temporal)

Ex: Are you doing anything interesting these days?

Yes. I'm learning to drive.

pentru situati care se schimba

Ex: Your English is improving!

pentru a te plange despre o situatie temporala

Ex: You're eating my ice cream!

chiar si despre obiceiuri folosindu-se mereu "always

Ex: My sister's always wearing my clothes!

unele verbe (stative verbs) nu sunt folosite in mod normal in forma continua

Ex: That soup smells great!

I think he's a composer.

Vb: appear, seem,

believe, realise, suppose, think, recognise, understand, know, remember, see (=understand)

dislike, hate, prefer, love, like, want, wish

hear, sound, smell, taste

own, possess, belong, include, need, owe

mean, matter, surprise

Totusi unele dintre acestea pot fi folosite intr-un sens diferit ce verbe de actiune. Atunci pot lua forma continua

Ex: Why are you smelling your food? Is something wrong?

Be quiet a minute, I'm thinking!

se foloseste pt viitor cand se vorbeste despre aranjamente fixe din viitor(in general nu se poate folosi pentru a inlocui "will

Ex: Are you meeting the director tomorrow?

Yes. I'm seeing him at 11 o'clock.

Past simple

  • se foloseste pentru actiuni ce au avut loc in trecut la un moment determinat

Ex: France won the World Cup in 1998.

  • in special pentru o serie de actiuni terminate

Ex: The girl walked out of the house, got into the car and drove off.

  • sau pentru actiuni repetate

Ex: She stopped three times for petrol and arrived in Vienna 24 hours later.

  • Trecutul este fie indicat (1998) fie sugerat (at the time of the story/ at the time we're talking about)

Adv: two days ago, last week, yesterday

Past continuous

  • Se foloseste pentru a descrie o scena din trecut

Ex: We were late and when we got there people were talking, drinking and eating, and some were dancing to the band, which was playing a tango.

  • Se foloseste cand se vorbeste despre ceva care s-a intamplat deja la un moment din trecut

Ex: At eight o'clock last night, I was watching Tv.

  • Se foloseste in situatii intrerupte de past simple

Ex: The old miner was looking for water when he saw the gold.

  • Observati diferentele dintre: When I got there, Mary was leaving (ea era pe punctul de a pleca oricum) si When I got there, Mary left (a plecat dupa ce am venit, din cauza mea)

The future

  • WILL Se foloseste "will pentru viitor in general si mai ales pentru
    • predictii

Ex: You'll love Budapest!

    • promisiuni

Ex: I won't tell anyone your secret

    • oferte

Ex: We'll help you with the washing up, Mum.

    • cereri

Ex: Will you give me a ride to school tomorrow?

    • Se foloseste  "GOING TO" pentru a vorbe despre
      • planuri

Ex: My brother's going to visit London soon.

      • intentii

Ex: I'm going to buy that magazine.

      • Atunci cand sunt prezente dovezi ale unei predictii

Ex: We're on the last lap and Schumacher's going to win the Hungarian Grand Prix!

    • De cele mai multe ori cand going to este folosit cu verbul go verbul este omis.

Ex: I'm going (to go) for a ride. Do you want to come?

    • Observati diferentele dintre intentiile si deciziile luate in acel moment

I'm going to have lunch at the cafeteria.

Good idea! I think I'll come with you.


o      Se foloseste present continuous sa se vorbeasca despre argumente fixe din viitor.

Ex: Are you meeting the director tomorrow?

Yes. I'm seeing him at 11 o'clock.

o      In general nu se poate folosi present continuous in loc de will

Ex: It'll be cold tomorrow.

She will be twenty on 3rd May.

He won't expect that!


o      Se foloseste present simple pentru a vorbi despre un orar cu referire la viitor

Ex: Our bus arrives at 11.15 on Wednesday morning.

o      Se mai poate folosi Present simple dupa if when until, as soon as, before after cand o alta parte a propozitiei indica viitorul

Ex: We'll have plenty of time for lunch if the train arrives on time.

When you get here, we'll visit the museum.


o      Se foloseste future continuous pentru a vorbi despre actiuni care se vor intampla la un moment din viitor 

Ex: In three hours' time, I'll be relaxing in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee.

o      Se mai poate folosi future continuous in mod similar cam se foloseste present continuous pentru viitor dar cu mai mult accent pe elementul de viitor

Ex: We've enjoyed our stay and we'll be coming back again next year.

o      Se mai poate folosi si cum present continuous nu poate pentru a da ideea unui eveniment ce este repetat in viitor

Ex: He'll be meeting a lot of different people in his new job.


o      Se foloseste future perfect simple sau continuous pentru ideea ca ceva va fi terminat intr-un moment al viitorului.

Ex: You'll have eaten all the biscuits before the guests arrive if you don't stop.

By the next month we'll have been living here for ten years.

o      Poate fi folosit in legatura cu un lucru din viitor in acelasi fel cum prezent perfect poate fi folosit pentru o perioada pana si ce poate include si prezentul. Se foloseste deseori "by

By the time I'm 30, I will have spent more than four years watching television.

By the year 2020, we will have used 80% of the world's oil.

o      Intamplarile din viitor care nu sunt prea sigure, asa ca acest timp este folosit dupa think, hope, expect, etc:

I think I will have finished my homework by seven o'clock.

I expect we will have started a new book by this time next year.

I hope I will have found a job by the time I leave school.