Porturile placii SOUDBLASTER, lucrare de practica, Comenzi, registre, intreruperi referat

Achizitii de date cu ajutorul unei interfete SOUNDBLASTER

Text Box: Autor: sani


In acest document este descris un program in C/C++ de achizitii de date cu ajutorul unei interfete SOUNDBLASTER, si prelucrarea semnalelor care permit:

·       calculul functiilor de autocorelatie

·       calculul functiilor de intercorelatie

Principiul functionarii

Programul foloseste o placa SOUNDLBLASTER pentru achizitionarea semnalelor, semnalul analogic (continuu) este convertat in semnal digital (discret), care este prelucrat de program care realizeaza functiile cerute.


Calculator >386

OS: DOS >6.20 (Win9x,Win XP,NT,2000)


Monitor VGA

Programul a fost testat pe un sistem cu OS: Win98, SVGA, placa de sunet C-Media Inc.8330 (compatibil SB16), pe acest sistem programul functioneaza stabil.

Descriere program

Programul principal 123.exe,utilizeaza biblioteca grafica egavga.bgi.Are ca argument 0,1,2:

·       0 - doar osciloscop

·       1 - osciloscop + fct. de autocorelatie

·       2 - osciloscop +fct. de intercorelatie

In program sunt utilizate:


Programul foloseste o placa SOUNDBLASTER pentru achizitionarea semnalelor

Semnalul analogic este aplicat la intrarea de microfon a placii SOUNDBLASTER.

Semnalul analogic (continuu) este convertat in semnal digital (discret) de CAN din placa SOUNDBLASTER. Structura principial este reprezentat in Figura 1:

Programul foloseste acest convertor analog-digital pe 8 biti.(In cazul SB16 acest convertor este pe 16 biti dar se poate folosi si pe 8 biti)

Transferul de date se face prin DMA.

Pentru a functiona corect pentru placa SOUNDBLASTER trebuie sa fie setat urmatorii parametrii:

·       Adresa de baza 0x220

·       IRQ 5

·       DMA 1

Programul nu detecteaza automat setarile, daca placa SOUNDBLASTER are alte parametrii trebuie modificat fisierul sbaster.h,dma_mem.c

Programarea unitatii DSP (Digital Signal Processor) din placa SOUNDBLASTER,se face prin porturi.

Figura 1:


Porturile placii SOUDBLASTER

Tabel 1:

 02x00h         C/MS 1-6 - Data Port                    Write       SB Only

 02x00h         FM Music - Left Status Port             Read        SBPro

 02x00h         FM Music - Left Register Port           Write       SBPro

 02x01h         C/MS 1-6 - Register Port                Write       SB Only

 02x01h         FM Music - Left Data Register           Write       SBPro

 02x02h         C/MS7-12 - Data Port                    Write       SB Only

 02x02h         FM Music - Right Status Port            Read        SBPro

 02x02h         FM Music - Right Register Port          Write       SBPro

 02x03h         C/MS7-12 - Register Port                Write       SB Only

 02x03h         FM Music - Right Data Register          Write       SBPro

 02x04h         Mixer - Register Port                   Write       SBPro

 02x05h         Mixer - Data Register                   Read/Write  SBPro

 02x06h         DSP - Reset                             Write       SB

 02x08h         FM Music - Compatible Status Port       Read        SB

 02x08h         FM Music - Compatible Register Port     Write       SB

 02x09h         FM Music - Compatible Data Register     Write       SB

 02x0Ah         DSP - Read Data                         Read        SB

 02x0Ch         DSP - Write Data or Command             Write       SB

 02x0Ch         DSP - Write Buffer Status               Read        SB

 02x0Dh         DSP - Timer Interrupt Clear             Read        SB16???

 02x0Eh         DSP - Data Available Status             Read        SB

 02x0Eh         DSP - IRQ Acknowledge, 8-bit            Read        SB

 02x0Fh         DSP - IRQ Acknowledge, 16-bit           Read        SB16

 02x10h         CD-ROM - Data Register                  Read        SBPro

 02x10h         CD-ROM - Command Port                   Write       SBPro

 02x11h         CD-ROM - Status Port                    Read        SBPro

 02x12h         CD-ROM - Reset                          Write       SBPro

 02x13h         CD-ROM - Enable                         Write       SBPro

 0388h          AdLib - Status Port                     Read        SB

 0388h          AdLib - Register Port                   Write       SB

 0389h          AdLib - Data Register                   Write       SB

 038Ah          Advanced AdLib - Status Port            Read        SB16

 038Ah          Advanced AdLib - Register Port          Write       SB16

 038Bh          Advanced AdLib - Data Register          Write       SB16

 03x00h         MPU-401 - Data Port                     Read/Write  SB16???

 03x01h         MPU-401 - Status Port                   Read        SB16???

 03x01h         MPU-401 - Command Port                  Write       SB16???

 0200h-0207h    Joystick                                Varies      SB



Comenzi DSP

Tabel 2:

 003h           ASP Status                                          SB16ASP

 004h           DSP Status (Obsolete)                               SB2.0-Pro2

 004h           ASP ???                                             SB16ASP

 005h           ASP ???                                             SB16ASP

 010h           Direct DAC, 8-bit                                   SB

 014h           DMA DAC, 8-bit                                      SB

 016h           DMA DAC, 2-bit ADPCM                                SB

 017h           DMA DAC, 2-bit ADPCM Reference                      SB

 01Ch           Auto-Initialize DMA DAC, 8-bit                      SB2.0

 01Fh           Auto-Initialize DMA DAC, 2-bit ADPCM Reference      SB2.0

 020h           Direct ADC, 8-bit                                   SB

 024h           DMA ADC, 8-bit                                      SB

 028h           Direct ADC, 8-bit (Burst)                           SB-Pro2

 02Ch           Auto-Initialize DMA ADC, 8-bit                      SB2.0

 030h           MIDI Read Poll                                      SB

 031h           MIDI Read Interrupt                                 SB

 032h           MIDI Read Timestamp Poll                            SB???

 033h           MIDI Read Timestamp Interrupt                       SB???

 034h           MIDI Read Poll + Write Poll (UART)                  SB2.0

 035h           MIDI Read Interrupt + Write Poll (UART)             SB2.0???

 037h           MIDI Read Timestamp Interrupt + Write Poll (UART)   SB2.0???

 038h           MIDI Write Poll                                     SB

 040h           Set Time Constant                                   SB

 041h           Set Sample Rate                                     SB16

 045h           Continue Auto-Initialize DMA, 8-bit                 SB16

 047h           Continue Auto-Initialize DMA, 16-bit                SB16

 048h           Set DMA Block Size                                  SB2.0

 074h           DMA DAC, 4-bit ADPCM                                SB

 075h           DMA DAC, 4-bit ADPCM Reference                      SB

 076h           DMA DAC, 2.6-bit ADPCM                              SB

 077h           DMA DAC, 2.6-bit ADPCM Reference                    SB

 07Dh           Auto-Initialize DMA DAC, 4-bit ADPCM Reference      SB2.0

 07Fh           Auto-Initialize DMA DAC, 2.6-bit ADPCM Reference    SB2.0

 080h           Silence DAC                                         SB

 090h           Auto-Initialize DMA DAC, 8-bit (High Speed)         SB2.0-Pro2

 098h           Auto-Initialize DMA ADC, 8-bit (High Speed)         SB2.0-Pro2

 0A0h           Disable Stereo Input Mode                           SBPro Only

 0A8h           Enable Stereo Input Mode                            SBPro Only

 0Bxh/0Cxh      Generic DAC/ADC DMA (16-bit, 8-bit)                 SB16

 0D0h           Halt DMA Operation, 8-bit                           SB

 0D1h           Enable Speaker                                      SB

 0D3h           Disable Speaker                                     SB

 0D4h           Continue DMA Operation, 8-bit                       SB

 0D5h           Halt DMA Operation, 16-bit                          SB16

 0D6h           Continue DMA Operation, 16-bit                      SB16

 0D8h           Speaker Status                                      SB

 0D9h           Exit Auto-Initialize DMA Operation, 16-bit          SB16

 0DAh           Exit Auto-Initialize DMA Operation, 8-bit           SB2.0

 0E0h           DSP Identification                                  SB2.0

 0E1h           DSP Version                                         SB

 0E3h           DSP Copyright                                       SBPro2???

 0E4h           Write Test Register                                 SB2.0

 0E8h           Read Test Register                                  SB2.0

 0F0h           Sine Generator                                      SB

 0F1h           DSP Auxiliary Status (Obsolete)                     SB-Pro2

 0F2h           IRQ Request, 8-bit                                  SB

 0F3h           IRQ Request, 16-bit                                 SB16

 0FBh           DSP Status                                          SB16

 0FCh           DSP Auxiliary Status                                SB16

 0FDh           DSP Command Status                                  SB16

Programul foloseste urmatoarele registre:

02x06h         DSP - Reset

02x0Ah         DSP - Read Data

02x0Ch         DSP - Write Data or Command

02x0Ch         DSP - Write Buffer Status

02x0Dh         DSP - Timer Interrupt Clear

02x0Eh         DSP - Data Available Status

Comenzi DSP:

014h           DMA DAC, 8-bit

024h           DMA ADC, 8-bit

040h           Set Time Constant

0D1h           Enable Speaker 

0D3h           Disable Speaker

   02x06h     DSP - Reset


   Reseteaza DSPul, terminand toate operatiile anterioare.


1.     Scrie 001h

2.     Asteapta 3.3us minimum

3.     Scrie 000h

4.     steapta 100us maximum pentru DSP Data Available(02x0Eh)

5.     Citire 0xAA de la DSP Read Data (02x0Ah)

02x0Ah     DSP - Read Data


Portul de intrare pentru citirea DSP octet.


1.     Asteapta pana cand bitul 7=1 de la DSP Data Abailable Status(02x0Eh read)

2.     Citire octet de pe DSP Read Data port (02x0Ah read)

02x0Ch     DSP - Write Data or Command


Portul de iesire pentru comenzi DSP si pentru date.


1.     Asteapta pana cand bitul 7=1 de la DSP Write Buffer Status (02x0Ch read)

2.     Scriere octet la DSP Write Data or Command port (02x0Ch write)

02x0Ch     DSP - Write Buffer Status


Indica daca DSPul poate sa primeste date prin DSP Write Data or Command port (02x0Ch write).


1.     Asteapta pana cand bitul 7=1 de la DSP Write Buffer Status (02x0Ch read)

2.     Scriere octet la DSP Write Data or Command port (02x0Ch write)

02x0Eh     DSP - Data Available Status


Indica daca DSPul are date disponibile pe portul DSP Read Data port (02x0Ah read).


1.     Asteapta pana cand bitul 7=1 de la DSP Data Abailable Status(02x0Eh read)

2.     Citire octet de pe DSP Read Data port (02x0Ah read)

Comenzi DSP

014h       DMA DAC, 8-bit



Initializeaza transfer DMA pe 8 biti.


1.     Instalare procedura de intrerupere,actualizare masca pic.

2.     Setare constanta de timp,sau timpul de esantionare (Set Time Constant(040h))

3.     Comanda Enable Speaker (0D1h)

4.     Setare controlerul DMA (mode = 048h + channel)

5.     Comanda DMA DAC,8-bit (014h)

6.     Acknowledge IRQ PIC & SB

7.     Comanda Disable Speaker (0D3h)


040h       Set Time Constant



Seteza rate de esantionare


     TimeConstant = 256 - (1000000 / (SampleChannels * SampleRate))

0D1h       Enable Speaker



Activeaza iesirea

0D3h       Disable Speaker



Dezactiveaza iesirea

Functii legate de placa SOUNDBLASTER se gasesc in fisierul sblaster.c

#ifndef SBH

#include 'sblaste.h'


unsigned char sbdmaon;

void interrupt(*oldintvector)(void);

void interrupt SB_Handler(void);

void interrupt SB_Handler(void)

void DSP_Write(unsigned char a)

unsigned char DSP_Read(void)

unsigned char DSP_Reset(void)

void SB_InstallHandler(void)

void SB_UninstallHandler(void)

Controlerul DMA

Controlerul DMA este folosit pentru transfer de date intre echipamente de intrare/iesire (porturi I/O) si memorie, fara interventia procesorului. Este folosit in general de catre unitati de disk, hard diskuri, dar poate fi folosit pentru orice port I/O cat timp nu interfereaza cu alte unitati standard.

Setarea controlerului DMA pentru transfer DMA

1.     Activare masca canal

2.     Stergere byte pointer

3.     Configurare modul de transfer

4.     Scriere adresa de pagina

5.     Scriere adresa de deplasament (offset)

6.     Scriere lungime-1

7.     Deactivare masca canal

Adresa DMA este pe 20 biti, aceasta adresa este calculata in program.Registrul de adresa de pagina este setat cu o valoare pe 4 biti care reprezinta bitii 16-19 din adresa DMA de 20 biti.Memoria alocata transferului DMA trebuie sa incapa pe o pagina de 64Koctet. In program aceasta conditie este satisfacut alocand de doua ori mai multa memorie(in total max 64Koctet ), pentru transferul DMA, iar daca aceasta zoma de memorie nu incapa pe o pagina de 64Kocteti.Adresa de inceput este marit pina la inceputul paginii 2. Astfel zona de memorie sigur, incapa pe pagina aceasta.

Despre controlerul DMA

The original PC supports four 8-bit DMA channels, across a 20-bit address

 space, using an Intel 8237A DMA controller chip.  The AT supports seven

 DMA channels by cascading a second 8237A DMA controller.  The differences

 between PC and AT DMA are covered at the end of this section.

 Channel  Usage in PC and XT

 _______  ____________________________________

    0     memory refresh    (highest priority)

    1     not used

    2     diskette adapter

    3     hard disk adapter (lowest priority)

    Note: All PC-compatibles use DMA channel 0 for memory refresh.  If

          memory is not refreshed as set by the BIOS, data in RAM will

          degrade within a few hundredths of a second.  It is wise to avoid

          monkeying with DMA port settings.

Port  Description

____  ______________________________________________________________________

000H-007H DMA base address an offset registers

      All are 16-bit registers: read/write the low byte, then the high byte

      at the same I/O port.  Base addresses are offsets from a DMA Page

      (see below).

000H  Write: DMA channel 0 base address (also sets current address)

      Read:  DMA channel 0 current address

001H  Write: DMA channel 0 base address and word count

      Read:  DMA channel 0 current word count

002H  Write: DMA channel 1 base address

      Read:  DMA channel 1 current address

003H  Write: DMA channel 1 base address and word count

      Read:  DMA channel 1 current word count

004H  Write: DMA channel 2 base address           (diskette adapter)

      Read:  DMA channel 2 current address              '

005H  Write: DMA channel 2 base address and word count  '

      Read:  DMA channel 2 current word count           '

006H  Write: DMA channel 3 base address          (hard disk adapter)

      Read:  DMA channel 3 current address              '

007H  Write: DMA channel 3 base address and word count  '

      Read:  DMA channel 3 current word count           '

---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

008H-00fH DMA control/status registers

008H  Write: DMA command register


      ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

      +---------------+ bit

       ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +- 0: 1=enable memory-to-memory DMA (ch0-ch1)

       ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +--- 1: 1=enable Ch0 address hold

       ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +----- 2: 1=disable controller

       ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +------- 3: 1=select compressed timing mode

       ¦ ¦ ¦ +--------- 4: 1=enable rotating priority

       ¦ ¦ +----------- 5: 1=select extended write mode; 0=late write

       ¦ +------------- 6: 1=select DRQ sensing as active high; 0=low

       +--------------- 7: 1=select DACK sensing as active high; 0=low

      Read:  DMA status register


      ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

      +---------------+ bit

       +-----+ +------- 0-3: channel 0-3 has reached terminal count

          +------------ 4-7: channel 0-3 has a request pending

009H  Write: request register


      ¦  unused ¦ ¦   ¦

      +---------------+ bit

                 ¦ +--- 0-1: select channel (00=0; 01=1; 10=2; 11=3)

                 +-----   2: 1=set request bit for channel; 0=reset request

00aH  Write: single mask bit register


      ¦  unused ¦ ¦   ¦

      +---------------+ bit

                 ¦ +--- 0-1: select channel (00=0; 01=1; 10=2; 11=3)

                 +-----   2: 1=set mask for channel; 0=clear mask (enable)

00bH  Write: mode register


      ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

      +---------------+ bit

       +-+ ¦ ¦ +-+ +--- 0-1: select channel (00=0; 01=1; 10=2; 11=3)

        ¦  ¦ ¦  +------ 2-3: xfer type: 00=verify (nop); 01=write; 10=read

        ¦  ¦ +---------   4: 1=enable auto-initialization

        ¦  +-----------   5: 1=select addr increment; 0=address decrement

        +-------------- 6-7: 00=demand mode; 01=single

                              10=block; 11=cascade

00cH  Write: clear byte pointer flip-flop.  Any write clears the flip-flop

             so that the next write to any of the 16-bit registers is

             decoded as the low byte.  The next is the high byte, then next

             is low, etc.

00dH  Write: master clear.  Any OUT clears the ctrlr (must be re-init'd)

      Read:  temporary reg.  Last byte in memory-to-memory xfer (not used)

00eH  Write: Clear mask registers.  Any OUT enables all 4 channels.

00fH  Write: master clear.  Clear or mask any or all of the channels.


      ¦       ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

      +---------------+ bit

               ¦ ¦ ¦ +- 0: 1=mask channel 0; 0=enable

               ¦ ¦ +--- 1: 1=mask channel 1;

               ¦ +----- 2: 1=mask channel 2;

               +------- 3: 1=mask channel 3;

      Read:  temporary reg.  Last byte in memory-to-memory xfer (not used)

081H-08fH DMA page registers.

      To select a starting address for a DMA operation, do an OUT to the

      page register (ports 81H-83H) for the selected channel then set the

      base address (ports 00H-07H) for the channel.  A page register is set

      with a 4-bit value that represents bits 16-19 of the 20-bit DMA

      address.  Since the current address is a 16-bit value, it is not

      possible to cross a 64K boundary (e.g., address 1000:0, 2000:0, etc.)

      with a DMA operation.

081H  Channel 2 page register  (diskette DMA)

082H  Channel 3 page register  (hard disk DMA)

083H  Channel 1 page register


_¦AT DMA__

  The DMA system on the AT is basically upwardly-compatible with PC and XT

  DMA.  In addition to the four 8-bit channels of the PC, the AT adds a

  second 8237A-5 DMA controller which supports channels 4-7.

Channel  Usage in AT

_______  ________________________________________________________________

   0     spare                                   -+

   1     SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control)     ¦- 8-bit DMA channels

   2     diskette adapter                         ¦

   3     hard disk adapter                       -+

   4     (controller 2) cascade for controller 1 -+

   5     spare                                    ¦- 16-bit DMA channels

   6     spare                                    ¦

   7     spare                                   -+

---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

081H-08fH DMA page registers.  On the AT, all 8 bits of the Page registers

      are used.  They become the high 8-bits of a 24-bit address space

      (with the low 16-bits being set in a channel's base/current address

      register). The page size is 128K (64K words) so DMA transfers must not

      cross a 128K boundary (e.g., address 2000:0, 4000:0, 6000:0, etc.)

081H  Channel 2 page register  (diskette DMA)  (address bits 16-23)

082H  Channel 3 page register  (hard disk DMA) (address bits 16-23)

083H  Channel 1 page register                  (address bits 16-23)

087H  Channel 0 page register                  (address bits 16-23)

089H  Channel 6 page register  (address bits 17-23)

08bH  Channel 5 page register  (address bits 17-23)

08aH  Channel 7 page register  (address bits 17-23)

08fH  refresh

---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

0c0H-0dfH AT DMA controller registers for 16-bit DMA I/O.  Channels 0-3 work

      with 8-bit I/O as in the PC.  Additional channels 4-7 support 16-bit

      device-to-memory and memory-to-device transfers.  Transfers for these

      channels always start on a word boundary and all addresses and counts

      are for 16-bit words (e.g., a base address of 123H actually refers to

      offset 246H from the page for that channel).

0c0H  Channel 4 base and current address (bits 1-16; bit 0 assumed 0)

0c2H  Channel 4 current word count

0c4H  Channel 5 base and current address (bits 1-16)

0c6H  Channel 5 current word count

0c8H  Channel 6 base and current address (bits 1-16)

0caH  Channel 6 current word count

0ccH  Channel 7 base and current address (bits 1-16)

0ceH  Channel 7 current word count

---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

0d0H-0dfH AT DMA control/status registers

0d0H  Write: command register

      Read:  status register

0d2H  Write request register

0d4H  Write single mask register bit

0d6H  Write Mode register

0d8H  Clear byte pointer flip-flop

0daH  Write: master clear

      Read:  temporary register

0dcH  Clear mask register

0deH  Write all mask register bits

---- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Functii legate de controlerul DMA se gasesc in fisierul dma_mem.c.

//all functions for 8 bit dma

#define getlinearaddr(p) ((unsigned long)FP_SEG(p)*16 + (unsigned long)FP_OFF(p))

int DMA_AllocMem(unsigned long size)

 else printf('->FIRST DMA buf choosed<-');


 buf_addr = getlinearaddr(dmaptr);

 buf_page = (unsigned char)((buf_addr >> 16)&0x000F);

 buf_ofs  = (unsigned int)((buf_addr) % 65536L);

 printf('nDMA buf size:        %8.0f',(float)size);

 printf('nbuf_adr              %8.0f',(float)buf_addr);

 printf('nbuf_page             %8.0f',(float)buf_page);

 printf('nbuf_ofs              %8.0f',(float)buf_ofs);

return 1;


void DMA_DAC8Start(void)

void DMA_ADC8Start ( unsigned short len )

// len = number of bytes to record to unsigned char *aligned (<=65000)

void DMA_FreeMem(void)

Functiile de intercorelatie si de autocorelatie


Functia de autocorelatie

Functia de intercorelatie






In program sunt implementate  functiile (2) si (4) pentru n>=0.

Functiile legate de analiza semnalelor ( functia de autocorelatie si intercorelatie ) se afla in fisierul analysis.c

void Autocorrelation(unsigned char *adat,

                         unsigned int nn,

                              int x,

                              int y,

                           char param)





                      else xn=127;








//  putpixel(vx,y+vy,15);






void Intercorrelation(unsigned char *adat,

                                    unsigned int nn,

                                    int x,

                                    int y,

                                    char param)



                            else xn=0;













Fisierele programului

123.c -program principal







Nu toate fisierele si functiile sunt folosite de programul final din aceste fisiere. Unele functii au fost folosite in etapa scrierii, testarii programului.

Variabile din program

VGAFLIPPAGE - afisare folosind doua pagini VGA (se poate sa nu functioneze la unele placi VGA)

DRAFTMODE - afisare simplificata pentru imprimanta

Imagini din program

Len=14  Lungimea semnalului din grafic in milisecunde.In acest caz 14ms.

5  -Cadre afisate pe secunda (fps)


[1] Cursuri

[2] Internet

[3] TechHelp