Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves

Today i will talk about Keanu Reeves.Keanu Charles Reeves was born September,2,1964 in Beirut Lebanon. His nickname is the Wall, because he had He goalie-Position in his Highschool Icehockeyteam ' La Salle'. His father Samuel Nowlin Reeves is half Hawaiian and half Chinese and His mother Patric Taylor is English. He has two sisters Kim, was born 1966 and Karina, was born 1976, but she is his half sister. Keanu means ' cool breeze over the mountains' in Hawaiian, he got He name from his grandunkle. After their divorce, Patric and Samuel went their separate ways. Patric and the two kids to New York City and Samuel to Hawaii. The last time Keanu saw him, he was thirteen years old. Samuel was sentenced in 1994 to ten years in prison for drug possession. In New York Patric met and married director Paul Aaron. Patric switched partners a few times more and moved as often. Her thrid husband was rock promoter Robert Miller, with whom she had Karina, and her fourth was Jack Bond whom she divorced in 1994. Keanu described himself as a ' middle- class white boy. A bourgeois, middle class white boy with an absent father , a strongwiled mother and two beautiful younger sisters.' Keanu attend four highschool including De La Salle College and the Toronto School for He Performing Arts before dropping out completely at age 17. Keanu took a lots of different job, including sharpening skates at ice rink shop and making pasta. Then came stage work and some bit parts on Tv. Keanu´s first big feature film debut in a US film was in Youngblood in which he had a small part. He landed films like Dangerous Liaisons, Bram Stoker´s Dracula, Much ado about nothing and Little Budha. (We saw He film in LER)

But it was 1994´s Speed that really made everyone stand up and notice. Keanu could return to Canada and fulfill a dream of playing He title role in Hamlet on stage. Keanu was then offerd the lead in the sequel to Speed, entitled Speed 2. Bt he felt He script was not good and he turned it down. Everyone accused Keanu of making a horrible mistake, and that he should have done the role. 20th Century Fox, not wishing to dosclose the real reason Keanu turned it down, gave out a press release saying that Keanu turned it down so he could tour with hs band, Dogstar. It is a pop band for which Keanu plays bass guitar. The other members are Bret Domrose, plays guitar and Robert Mailhous, plays drums.

In fact that not true. Keanu was offered a better script and he filmed that at the same time as the disastrous Speed 2 was filmed Devil´s Advocate, was a big hit and Speed 2 sunk at He box office. The hit was off to Australia to film the Matrix. No one knew what to expect from this, and when it opened in the spring of 1999 it was a huge blockbuster. In the summer of 1999 Keanu filmed the Replacements and finishid out the year with the Watcher.

But it was not the only. Keanu´s girlfriend Jennifer Symne has lost the baby, the couple was expecting next month. In 2000 Keanu went on to film, three more films, the Gift, Sweet November and Hardball. Jennifer was killed April,4 2001 in He morning when the Jeep she was driving crashed into some parked cars. It was a shock for Keanu. Because in the Jeep, the police found two rolled up- dollar bills, along with a withe powdery substance and two different anti-differant drugs, according to a broadcast repord. The new film he filmed is Matrix Reloadet.