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Aboriginal flag:


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The Aboriginal flag is divided horizontally into two equal halves of black (top) and red (bottom), with a yellow circle in the centre. The black symbolises Aboriginal people and the yellow represents the sun, the constant renew of life. Red depicts the earth, which is used by Aboriginal People in ceremonies.

Today the flag has been adopted by all Aboriginal groups and is flown or displayed permanently at Aboriginal centres throughout Australia.

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The Aboriginies are the earliest known people. The youngest archäoligical founds say that the Aboriginies life in the country since about 100.000 years.

Their ancestors (Uranen) could come from the islansd in the north from Australia.

They lifed in harmony with the environment and nature.

In Australia were different groups of Aboriginies but all the groups were isolated (abgeschieden) and had not contact among each other. These different groups had all their own range, where they found eating and where they life. The groups know about other groups but they don’t fight. Any group remain in their area.





Dreamtime – Belief:


If you would ask an Aboriginie where has been the beginning of live , he would answer you that all the beginning starts by the the “Rainbowserpent”. She is born from a verry vast energyfull ancestor being, named “Yingarna” . The Rainbowserpent swims whith the flow current and on her way she let animals, peoples, plants and holy cities grown up.

The "Dreamtime", the mythological past, was the time when spirit ancestors had travelled throughout the land, giving it its physical form, and setting down the rules to be followed by the Aboriginals. Beings such as the "Fertility Mother", the "Great Rainbow Snake", the Djanggawul brothers and sisters, survive in stories and ceremonies that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Hunting and food:


The Aboriginies got everthing they need from the nature. They hunted and gathered their food and knew exactly when, where and how to find everything edible. But food was not obtained without effort. In some areas men and women had to spend from half to two thirds of each day hunting or for foraging. The Aboriginies who lived in the inland survived where others would perish. They knew where the water holes and soaks were, drained dew and obtained water from certain trees and roots. They even dug up and squeezed out frogs, which store water in their bodies. They don’t built big instruments to hunt, they hunted with sticks and stones. Typical hunting-instruments are the Tomahawk and a spear. The Tomahawk is a little strong stick with a very spiky stone at one side, with which you can chip animals.


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They have a instrment called Digaridoo. It is built with a piece of an eucalyptus tree which is concaved. You must blow in the embochure which is made of beeswax. The Digaridoo has a down, airless sound. Maybe is this instrument the oldest one in the world.

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When an Aboriginals child was born, he began to learn how to cope with the material and non-material elements of his world. A child was born into the group, and had to learn to become a full member with a knowledge of how to keep alive and also the rules and traditions.

The boy, after he could walk, he began to handle small spears, followed his father and the other men, watching while they fished, made tools. Little girls began to follow their mother, helping her and trying to copy what she was doing. As well as the practical side of life, they began to join in spiritual matters. They were taught the rhythms of dances in preparation for later participation in sacred and non-sacred rituals. Children began to learn songs and stories that embodied knowledge to be passed on from generation to generation.


The Aboriginies hadn’t a scripture. All the stories and experiences were given oral or the Aboriginal artists paint the stories on walls. These mural paintings reflect what happens around the usages and ceremonies by the Aboriginals.

There are different kinds of art: Rock engraving, Symbol- and Groundpainting.

When there was a ceremonie the bodies were painted. The markings and designs have totemic significance and were taught to the young.