Basketball in chicago

Basketball in chicago

Basketball in Chicago Today i want to talk about Basketball in Chicago. I want to tell you something about the Bulls and Michael Jordan. Like in the whole of the USA basketball is very popular in Chicago. Due to the team of the Bulls, Chicago has reached its present situation as far as basketball is concerned. Over the past ten years the Chicago Bulls have been the top team. They have won every basketball event, 5 NBA titles included. The best players of the world played for this team, like the legendary Michael Jordan. He is said to be the best player who has ever lived. He is also the person who earns the most money in sports. In the past few years he made about 30 million dollars. Several years in a row he became the MVP, which means he was the Most Valuable Player of the season. He won anything that is possible. Michael Jordan has played for the Bulls since he left College. Some people say that he had already become a legend when still at College. All the players of the team get a lot of money. Two players who must not be forgotten are Scotti Pippen and Dennis Rodman. They are also very popular and they are also big idols. These three players are vital for the Bulls. The value of these players is unimaginable for the Bulls and the city. Thanks to their enormous abilities the Bulls won the last two titles. The stadium of the Bulls is a huge arena called " United Center", where more than 25 000 people can watch a game. The ticket prices range from 20 to $75; but on the black market people pay up to $200. The team has to play 82 games per year. The season runs from November through June, depending on playoff dates. Home games are sold out well in advance for months. They have to travel across the whole of the USA up to Seattle at the Pacific Ocean ore Houston in Texas. There is one other professional basketball team in Chicago. It is called " Chicago Rockers". They don't play in the NBA but in the CBA ( Continental Basketball Association)