The Midwest Industries and Agriculture referat

The Midwest - Industries and Agriculture

The Midwest Industries and Agriculture


Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska


one of the Midwestern States

which makes up America's heartland

Midwestern States are geographical centre and the centre of American agricultures and industry

Area ~ 200.000 sqkm

Inhabitants ~ 1,6 million

Capital - Lincoln

famous for the cattle and hog industries

also famous for its meat-packing centres

one of the leading grain-producers

there are firms which make electronic components, auto accessories, mobile homes and pharmacenticales

Manufacturing Belt

biggest and connotative industry area in northeast (USA)

-   the Midwest is a part from the M. Belt

first connotative industrie area in the USA

southern of the great Lakes

States: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New

Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin,

Delaware, Maryland

Rivers: Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, Hudson

requisites for the genesis

very much worker (immigration from Europe for example from


aspire from the immigrant  after freedom and affluence, positive

setting to technical renewals

system of a free social market economy

good transport ways over the lakes => trading in europe

richness at water; woods and other minerals (pit coal, ore)

specialization onto definite appanages in the industry in definite areas

(for example: Detroit - automobile industry)

on 10% from the state area life 48% from the population and 70% from the industriepeople