

  • 486 km long
  • 280 km broadly
  • 84500 km²
  • 5,1 million inhabitants

Rep. Ireland

  • state in western europe
  • 70273 km²
  • 3,7 million inhabitants
  • capital Dublin
  • consists of a flatwavy Tiflande
  • richly at lakes and moorlands
  • many low mountain range
  • it rains very much
  • very many Gras "Green Island"
  • 1 % forest
  • 90 % Catholic
  • 10 % Protestants
  • very many cattle breeding
    • pigs, horses,  cattles
  • few raw materials
  • as bennmaterial they use peat
  • many industries
    • textile, chem., electrical
  • 2 big harbours
    • Dublin, Cork
  • valley in the Wicklow Mountains popular destination for tourists

Northern Ireland

  • northeast from Ireland
  • 14144 km²
  • 1,6 million inhabitants
  • structured in 6 districts
    • Fermanagh, Tyrone, Londonderry, Antrim, Down and Armagh
  • capital Belfast with 290000 people
  • it rains the whole year very much
  • very many people are protestants
  • many cattle breeding and agriculture
    • cattle, sheep, chicken
    • potatoes, barley, oats, pears, apples
  • 8 % forest
  • many fishing
    • salmon, eel
  • industries - biggest are the textilindustrie
  • few raw materials