Business Manners - Dos and Donts

Business Manners

Dos and Don'ts

Business Manners: They make a major impression on colleagues, employees and customers. But sometimes, there's only a subtle difference between saying 'the right thing' and 'the wrong thing.' To get yourself thinking about the right way to approach the etiquette problems you encounter each day, browse this handy etiquette reference - and resolve to apply what you learn to your own work life.

When you want to intrude on a colleague's time. Do say: 'May I have a moment of your time?' Don't say: 'Are you busy right now?'

When you want to smoke. Do: Look for a smoking sign, or leave the premises to light up. Don't: Light a cigarette in a bathroom or corner.

When you accidentally use profanity. Do say: 'Please excuse my anger.' Don't say: 'I know I shouldn't say things like that, but . makes me so mad.'

When you're wondering when to start eating. Do: Start eating when you're invited to do so. Don't: 'Dig in' at the table before others begin their meals.

When you're wondering how to address someone you just met. Do: Repeat his or her entire name slowly and ask for the proper form of address. Don't: Use a first name unless you're in a social setting or meeting a peer.

When you're initiating a conversation. Do: Offer pleasantries, and ask how your conversation partner is feeling. Don't: Inquire about personal habits or family backgrounds.

When you're not sure how to pronounce an individuals name. Do say: 'I'm sorry, but would you pronounce your name for me again?' Don't say: 'I guess I'm going to emasculate your name.'

When you're running out of time during an appointment. Do: Offer to make an additional appointment for further questions or comments. Don't: Summarily end the meeting or anxiously look at the clock.

When you want to make a personal comment to a colleague. Do: Ask to speak to the individual privately. Don't: Raise the issue during a meeting.

When you enter a room. Do: Stand until the other individual sits down. Don't: Place you items on the individual's desk unless he invites you to do so.

When you hear a rumor. Do: Listen politely and without comment. Don't: Repeat the rumor or harangue the individual for spreading the rumor.

When a conversation partner is not paying attention to you. Do: Offer a 'mini-pause' of a few seconds, followed by a warm nod of the head or a smile. Don't: Stop the conversation entirely or bring public attention to the individual's behavior.

When you're trying to decide how to dress. Do: Dress in approximately the same style as you expect the individual you are meeting to dress. Don't: Dress casually.

When you walk into someone's office during inclement weather. Do: Place your boots in the designated spot, or leave them outside. Don't: Wear boots into the reception area.

When you're visiting someone and you must pass a reception desk. Do: Ask permission to go ahead, even if you know the direction to the individual's location. Don't: Walk by the receptionist without acknowledging her.

When you take your coat off in someone's office. Do: Ask where coats should be hung, even if you notice a hook on the wall. Don't: Drape it over the back of your chair. · When a visitor takes his or her coat off. Do: Help him with it. Don't: Invite him to put it 'anywhere.'

When offering material or handouts during a one-to-one meeting. Do: Indicate what you want the individual to do with them, review them, put them aside, or look at a particular page. Don't: Give another individual handout without an explanation.

When you're at a business lunch. Do: Follow the pace of the other individuals at your table in determining how fast to eat and what to eat. Don't: Eat or drink at a faster rate than others.

When dealing with a service representative. Do: State your problem clearly, with a sincere request for help. Don't: Give precise directions to the service rep, or demand that he or she complete the task in a certain way.

A final word: pay attention to your surroundings and the people you meet, and the 'right thing to do' will often become apparent. When in doubt, imagine the actions of courteous, accommodating people you know. And ask yourself: how would they act in your situation?