

is the capital of Australia. It's an own federal state, called Australian Capital Territory.

It's situated 660 km north-east of Melbourne and 288 south-west of Sydney. The city was planned because of an argument between Sydney and Melbourne in which of those cities the seat of government is.

So a garden architect, called Walter Burley Griffin planned it as a "garden town".

And that's why it's said that Canberra is the city on the drawing board.

People say that the architect must have forgotten that there should also live people. There are hotels, shopping malls and this and that but only few houses and fewer inhabitants.

Canberra is the only metropolis of Australia, which is not situated near the coast. It's guessed, that the reason for this are the canons of the ships. Canberra is so far away from the coast, that the canons could not reach it.

In 2002 and 2003 Canberra was stroked of forest fires.

The name "Canberra" came from the Aborigines name: Cranberry, this means "meeting point".

Canberra is known as a boring city, because this city is not so great and big like other metropolises of the world.

But other advantages make the inhabitants loving this city. For example the nature which is everywhere. In summer the lakes are commode to swim and in winter the Snowy Mountains are near enough for a one-day-skiing-vacation.

The Snowy Mountains are part of the Great Diving Range, a mountain range that extends from the north of Australia to the south of Victoria.

Some facts:

Canberra came into being in 1913

there live about 268 000 inhabitants

there is a continental-temperate climate

in summer not really hot, not really cold nights

in winter sometimes really cold, and snow in the mountains, sometimes in Canberra too

Canberra - fauna:

In the National Aquarium and Wildlife Park near the Lady Denman Drive you can see native fishes of the sea, lakes and rivers

In the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve in Tharwa, which is 40 km south of C., you can go hiking and many of the birds are so friendly that you can feed them.

C. - flora

In the Botanic Garden you can admire about 6 000 native plants.

C. - culture

In the Australian National Gallery you can see various kinds of art, for example original Aborigine paintings and modern art.

The National Film and Sound Archive is known as a "Mecca" of Australian Films. You can see parts of historic films and TV-shows and hear recordings from 1890 until today.

C. - Sights

New Parliament House

is situated on the Capital Hill. It was built in the hilltop and covered with grass to do not destroy the natural form of the hill.

It was opened in 1988. This date was chosen because it was the 200 year-jubilee of populating Australia.

On the green space in front of the building are standing a lot of card men. The front and backside of those figures are painted and stoked with famous Australians. For example the guitarist of the popular rock band "AC/DC", Angus Young.

Royal Australian Mint

at Denison Street, Deakin all Australian coins are made. Trough thick glasses you can observe the whole way of a coin. From being a raw material to become real money.

But not just money coins are made also medallions.

Lake Burley Griffin

is an artificially calculated lake, to honour Mr. Burley Griffin, the architect of Canberra.

The Australian War Memorial

is a museum of Australian war history. It was opened in 1941. Here you can see a collection of pictures, relics and exhibitions. Also a collection of old airplanes. The "Hall of Memories" is in the middle of this building. Here you can admire the wonderful coloured windows and the Italian Dom which is made of 6 millions mosaic stones.

The names of killed soldiers are engraved in the wall and visitors leave textile poppies.