Comment - Shooping in teh internet

Comment, Shopping in thy Internet

Pros and cons of shopping in the Internet

Pros: Cons:

It is more comfortable             - Shopping-Feeling

Better overview to compare     Danger by credit card cheaters

- More information about products callably

At first it´s importante to say that the Internet-Shopping has grow and grow, more peoples decide to make their purchases by thy internet. Due to the high increase, it´s worth discussing. Let me state some cons and pros.

The first disadvantage of thy Internet-Shopping is the Shopping-Feeling. Some humans prefer the personal contact to the salesman and the possibility to touch and try everything. Another point to consider is that many people loves to go shopping only to meet friends and have fun. That can´t offer the internetshopping.

However there is a much more worse disadvantage, just think about the danger by credit card cheaters. Many people are going to be sacrifice by the credit card cheaters. If you buy something and you want to transfer the money, they can access to your account. It already happened with many people. Moreover you can see it in the telvision, how the cheaters become access to your account. You must be very careful and you must know what you do.

Now let me come from the disadvantages to the advantages.

Firstly is the Internet-Shopping very comfortable, start your computer, visite the shop you want and order the good. And few days later you got the product supplied. Furthermore you needn´t drive with your car to the Center and search for a parking place. Thus you save much time and stress.

Secondly you has a bette overview to compare. If you go to the Shopping Center and you want to compare, you must walk from shop to shop. By thy internet you only need to klick on the Homepages from the shops and compare the prises. Because it´s so easy you got a better overview and so you buy your things more cost-consciously.

Finally you can get more informationes about the products. Online Shops offer very extensive product descriptions, but in shops you´re usually dependent on the help of a salesman. Moreover if you don´t know if the product, you want to buy is good, you can look for experience reports from people who already got the product. So you´re always is on the safe side.

In my opinion is the Internet-Shopping a very good development. You can save a lot of time, money and stress. I use the Internet-Shopping, too and I can only say that I´m very satisfied.