The first TV referat

The first TV

The first opto-mechanical system that functioned was breveted in 1884 by a student named P. Nipkow.

The first demonstration  with the television system, made by Nipkow, was made in 1925 by the Scottish inventor that is known as the inventor of the television, John Logie Baird, and the first demonstration with a color television was made in 1928 by the same Scottish inventor. Baird also invented the video disk in 1928, but it was commercially available only from 1978. The video disk is a disk with pictures and sounds recorded on it , played by laser. It is a type of compact disk. The video disk is chiefly used to provide commercial films for private viewing. Most systems use a 30 cm/12 in rotating vinyl disk coated with a reflective material. Laser scanning recovers picture and sound signals from the surface where they are recorded as a spiral of microscopic pits.