la limba engleza - Arts today


ART- human effort to imitate, complete or modify the work of nature. Is a skill aquired by experience , study , or observation.This is art.

There are many art genre like : the art of music, art of painting, sculpture, buildings, and so on.

I like the art of music because it is very relaxing for me . Each song has it's theme, some are sad , some are real, some are funny. These songs can change anytime my mood. Often appears new music genre which are interesting , funny and some are intelligent.

Music has a very long story. It exist from the very beginning. Music has a big variety like : dance music, pop, rock, house, jazz, classic and so on. There are a lot of bands , all around the world : Backstreet Boys, Michael Jackson, Madonna, 'N-Syng, Five, Tic Tac Toe, Take That, The Beatles, and new bands like : Eminem , ATB, Kylie Minoque, Sarah Connor and more.

The romanian music, especially pop music became well-known. In the latest years a lot of bands show up. We can mention some of they ; for example : Animal X who was invited by the americans who like very much their style , 3 Sud Est , they are also very good but they have a different style than Animal X, Gaz Pe Foc, Akcent , Romania, Candy , Blondy and so on.

We can speak very much about music , but I think that you already know a lot of things about music. So let me tell you about one of my favourite bands. One of my favourite band is Backstreet Boys (BSB). In this band there are 5 boys : Nick , A.J. , Howie , Kevin and Brian, but Nick is the favourite almost of every girl. Every girl has find the favourite in them.

I like this band because they have style , they are friendly and they are sportive. BSB don't look like other bands because they don't have any problems and you "never" hear any defamation about them. BSB don't sing for the money , they sing because they like it and are experts and love the fans.

If I could to choose , I'd like to go whith them in a tour.

Backstreet Boys have very beautiful songs about love like : "I'll never breake your heart" , "Quit palying games", and rhytmic songs like : " Get down ".

I like very much their videoclips and their concerts. BSB is a super band and is on the first place. So Backstreet Boys have veni, vidi, vici!

I like all arts. Contemporary arts from the 1850's. We can read a lot of things about contemporary arts. Movies, books, paintings, can tell us a lot about these years , from the 1850's to novadays. Novadays art is very diversified, and developed on a high level. Thanks to the modern tehnology who is developed every day more and more arts are applied in a different profiled and bussineses.

Arts are a part of our lives. They make live more beautiful.