Essay - Man thinking

Man thinking

The great use of a life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.

Man thinking

To look is one thing. To see what you look at is another. To understand what you see is a third. To learn from what you understand is still something else. But to act on what you learn is all that really matters, isn't it?

Man thinking

The clock of life is wound but once

And no man has the power

To tell just where the ends will stop

At late or early hour.

Man thinking

There is a mistaken notion prevailing among some parents that discipline is the same thing as punishment. It is not. Discipline comes from a Latin word meaning 'to teach'. The best discipline is that which teaches, not the kind that hurts.

Everyone ought to fear to die until he has done something that will always live.

Man thinking

Indecision is fatal. It is better to make a wrong decision than to build up a habit of indecision. If you're wallowing in indecision, you certainly can't act-and action is the basis os success.

A determined man can do more with a rusty wrench than a loafer with all the tools in a machine shop.

Man thinking

A man who is contented with what he has done will never become famous for what he will do.

Man thinking

If it costs you a dollar to make a friend Keep the dollar if it costs you a friend to make a dollar keep the friend.

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

Man thinking

"The next great influence into the spirit of the scholar is the mind of the past-in whatever form, whether, of literature, of art, institutions, that mind is inscribed. Books are the best type of the influence of the past, and perhaps we shall get at the truth-learn the amount of this influence more conveniently-by considering their value alone."

Man thinking

"The world is nothing, the man is all; in yourself is the law of all nature, and you know not yet how a globule of sap ascends; in yourself slumbers the whole of reason; it is for you to know all, it is for you to dare all"

Man thinking

One reason so many children are seen on the streets at night is that they are afraid to stay home alone.

Man thinking

"Books are the best of things, well used; abused, amond thec worst. What is the right use? What is the one end which all means go to effect? They are nothing but to inspire. I had better never see a book than to be warped by its attraction clean out of my own orbit, and made a satellite instead of a system".

Man thinking

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind"

(W. Shakespeare)

Man thinking

Passion, imagination, self-will, the sense of power, the very consciousness of our existence bind us to life, and hold us fast in its chains, as by a magic spell, in spite of every other consideration.

Why so few tyrants kill themselves? In the first place they are never satisfied with the mischief they have done, and cannot quit their hold of power, after all sense of pleasure is fled.

Man thinking

Without life there can be no action- no objects of pursuit- no restless desires- no tormenting passions.


"A vixen sneered at a lioness because she never bore more than one cub. 'Only one,' the lioness replied, 'but a lion.'" (Aesop)

Man thinking

He who finds diamonds must grapple in mud aud mire because diamons are not found in polished stones. They are made.

Man thinking

Some people are getting just like their car; the older they get the more knocking they do.

Most folks make more enemies by what they say than friends by what they do.

The distance of life's journey is marked not by the number of leaves torn from the calendar, but by the number of good deeds done.