AC-DC - Hardrockband


The Hardrockband ACDC was established in December 1973 by the brothers Angus and Malcolm Young.

ACDC is pronounced one latter at a time and is suggested by their sister

Margaret after she read it on a sewing machine.It means alternating current/direct current in german: Wechselstrom/Gleichstrom. Although the band is also known to its Australien fans as 'ACCA DACCA'

The two boys was born in Scotland and moved with their family to Australia as children. So ACDC is an australien band.

At first the band consist of Dave Evans(Singer), Angus Young(Lead-guitar),

Malcolm Young(Rhythm-guitar), Larry Van Kriedt(Bass) and Colin John Burgess(drums) but one year later Dave Evans leaved the band and ACDC had a new singer. His name was Bon Scott.

The early lineups changed often but the 1974 enlistment of charismatic singer Bon Scott as their frontman signified the beginning of real success.

Another vital innovation was Angus Young's adoption of his now-famous school uniform as a regular stage outfit.The original was reputedly Angus real uniform from his secondary school in Sydney.

Between 1974 and 1978 they aided by regular appearances on the nationally

Broatcast TV pop show 'Countdown' and ACDC became one of the most popular and successful acts in Australia.

In 1975 their first hit 'High Voltage' was published, following in the same year by 'T.N.T.'.

ACDC survived the punkrock wave of 1976 till 78, partly because they were tagged as a punk rock band by the British music press.

They gained a solid cult following in the UK and europe with their powerful performances and sounds.

The band were also a pivotal influence to the New Wave of the British Heavy Metall Scene.

In 1980, Angus and Malcolm had begun working on the music and guitar riffs for their new album, when after a night of hard drinking, Bon Scott was found in the backseat of his friend's car.

He died from both choking on his own vomit and hypothermia.

Shortly after, the band brought in a new singer. Brian Johnson completed the songwriting and began recording the new album ' Back in Black'.

This became their biggest-selling album to date and it was also a hardrock landmark that would be named in tribute to Bon Scott.

Over the next eight years the Young brothers and Brian Johnson wrote nearly all of their songs.

In 2002 the 'Q'- magazine named ACDC as one of the ' 50 Bands To See Before You Die '

ACDC is in the salesranking the fifth-best-selling band in the U.S music history

Behind The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and The Eagles.

On July the 30, 2003 ACDC performed an amazing performance at Sarsfest in Toronto,Canada with the Rolling Stones before an audience of 500,000 to help

the city overcome the effects of the 2003 SARS-epidemic.