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Tehnici de manipulare

Darie Dan Comunicare publica, An II Manipularea in cadrul organizatiei  1.1Amorsarea Amorsarea este o tehnica proprie celor ce lucreaza in comert(in SUA este cunoscuta sub numele de low-ball si este folosita in vanzarea de automobile).Ea consta in a determina subiectul sa ...

Tehnici de persuasiune

Tehnici de persuasiune         Sunt lucruri pe care le spui ca sa-i convingi pe altii de ideile tale... unele le poti folosi in viata de zi cu zi, altele la locul de munca, si cu totul altele cand incerci sa convingi un profesor ca meriti o nota mai mare la examen... dar exista unele care sunt alcatuite din ...

Tehnici de pescuit

Tehnici de pescuit - rosioara la bucatica de paine Autor : Corneliu Leu.Publicat la 2001-12-12.Ati avut probabil zile in care sa vedeti pestii umbland pe la suprafata apei in canale de campie cu scurgere lina, sau lacuri, ambele pline de vegetatie, dar sa nu muste deloc, orice ati fi folosit ca momeala : rame, viermusi, mamaliga ... De t ...

Tehnologia Constructiei De Masini

Tehnologia Constructiei De Masini      . Domeniul stiintei, in care se confera gradele stiintifice     Stiinte tehnice II. Formula specialitatii      Tehnologia Constructiei de Masini este domeniul pluridisciplinar al stiint ...


TESTUL DE INTELIGENTA AL LUI EINSTEIN     PREZUMTII:   exista 5 case, fiecare de alta culoare. in fiecare casa locuieste o singura persoana, fiecare de alta nationalitate fiecarui locatar ii place o anumita bautura, fumeaza un anumit tip de tigari si detine un anumit animal de casa nici una din cele 5 persoane nu bea ...


The BIOS   The BIOS is rich in features that may well improve your system's performance if you have previously left it untouched or at its default settings. Although the BIOS from various manufacturers may differ in layout, they generally provide the same features and settings. However, certain OEM motherboards do have a limited-feature BI ...

The Coffee

The Coffee - Short HistoryThe history and development of the beverage that we know as coffee is varied and interesting, involving chance occurrences, political intrigue, and the pursuit of wealth and power. According to one story the effect of coffee beans on behavior was noticed by a sheep herder named Kaldi as he tended his sheep. He noticed ...

The Gene Deitch Years

The Gene Deitch Years: Produced at Rembrandt Films (Nudnik) in Czechoslovakia and distributed by MGM. 13 cartoons produced. Switchin' Kitten 8:40 minutes 7 Sept. 1961 In an eerie castle, Jerry is a mad scientist's assistant and Tom is his unwilling subject. When Tom is changed into a dog and the dog into a cat, it's only the beginning of ro ...

The Real Life of Laurence Olivier

The Real Life of Laurence Olivier      There are two ways of making an attempt on Laurence Olivier’s life.   The first, and the most obvious is his biography, with his long and wonderful carrer meticulously mapped out. Specialists tried to describe some t ...


The Art of LeadershipDale Carnegie, whose self help empire is built on the premise that dealing with people is man's most difficult challenge, once said "Even in such technical lines as science and engineering, only about 15 percent of a person's financial and career success is due to technical knowledge -- the other 85% is due to skill in h ...

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