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The Vikings   The Norsemen lived in today’s Denmark, Norway and Sweden. They were farmers, fishermen and traders. Norsemen who sailed were called Vikings, the most magnificent seamen the world has ever known. The Viking ships could sail the roughest seas, making long voyages to land warriors or unkind shores….   Betwe ...

WATERLOO, Napoleon found himself again facing

WATERLOO In the summer of 1815, Napoleon found himself again facing Wellington, this time in Belgium. He intended to divide the Prussian and British armies and destroy them in detail. On June 16th, Napoleon led half his army into battle against the Prussians at Ligny while Ney led the other half against the British at Quatre Bras. Two days l ...

WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GREAT BRITAIN, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

 WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GREAT BRITAIN          The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lies at the northwestern edge of Europe, separated from the European mainland by the English Channel, the North Sea, and the narrow Strait of Dover. It consists of the formerly separate kingdo ...

What is EL Nino El nino, The Future of El Nino La Nina and Global Warming

What is EL Nino?   Simply put by Billy Kessler, an Oceanographer for the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory at NOAA-Seatle in his FAQ about El Nińo: Suppose a relatively brief opposing wind occurs over the west Pacific warm pool. It may last for as little as one month. This starts and estward current that pushes the ...

William Shakespeare - Life, Works, Literary Reputation

  William Shakespeare        Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), English poet and playwright, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. Life A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare’s life is lacking; much supposition surrounds relatively few facts. His day of birth is tr ...


xFacilityAluminium productions by electrolytic method and aluminium conversion into finished products needs three basic sectors: Anode plant – which manufactures the anodes requested by the electrolysis process; Electrolysis sector - the leading unit of this sector is the electrolysis cell multiplied by 128 times for each pot room. Fo ...


THE BANTU Bantu are a large group of African black peoples. The word Bantu also refers to the related languages spoken by these peoples. More than 180 million Africans speak Bantu languages. These people make up a major part of the population of nearly all African coutries south of 5 north latitude. They belong to about 300 groups, each with it ...

The British School System - School life

The British School System The British School System Compulsory education in Britain begins at the age of 5 and ends at the age of 16. At first children have to go to primary school, which corresponds to the german Grundschule. Primary school consists of Infant school, for the 5-7 year- old pupils and Junior school, for the 8-11/12 year- ...

The Celts, The Vikings, The Anglo - Normans, The Tudors, The Irish Revolution, From Independence to the Present Day

The Celts   From 500 BC to 795 AD the Celts were the exclusive tribe of the island. They were not the first inhabitants. But when they arrived they assimitlated with the native people. Most of the Celts were, tall and blond and they learned to work with iron. they lived scattered on farms with high walls around. There were no urban centr ...

The day after tomorrow

The day after tomorrow  Roland Emmerich must dislike New York City. After all, this is the third time he has destroyed it. Jack Hall (Denis Quaid) is a climatologist who has come to the result that teh world is fast approaching a new ice age. He think that the event will happen in 50 to 100 years. But in one week the weather is chancing. ...

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