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Germany - Famous Buildings, Famous people from Germany, Traditions

GermanyImportant Facts Germany has an area of 357042km². It borders in the north to Denmark, in the east to the Czech Republic and Poland, in the south to Austria and the Switzerland, in the west to the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Germany has got 81,82 Million inhabitants. The capital Berlin has got nearly 3,5 Million inhab ...

Greenhouse Effekt

Greenhouse Effekt Trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. CO² warms up the planet by absorbing radiation. Many scientists believe that the earth is getting hotter because of industrial pollution. This is the greenhouse effect. This kind of pollution puts more carbon dioxide and other heat absorbing chemicals into the atmosphere. I ...

Hawaii - Aloha State

Hawaii - the “ Aloha State”   Hawaii is the most remote group of islands in the world. It lies in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and is 3,700 kilometers away from California and even 6,400 kilometers from Japan. The islands are up to 4,200 m high so that you can find some of the highest mountains right there. The state Hawaii ...

Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants" touches on an issue as ageless as time: communication problems in a relationship. He tells his story through conversations between the two main characters, the American and the girl. The conflict is created through dialogue as these characters face what mos ...


Hollywood Eurocom Hollywood Today I´m talking about Hollywood, I have chosen this topic, because I´m very interessted in stars and film. Here is Hollywood, it´s in California, California is on the west coast of the USA, Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles. It´s called dream factory, because it is the home of the &ldquo ...

How has the reformation and its consequences left its marks on

How has the reformation and its consequences left its marks on The Faerie Queene?  In a letter dated 23rd January 1589 Edmund Spenser (1552 – 1599) addresses the contemporary poet Sir Walter Raleigh (1552? – 1618) with the aim of ‘expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke [The Faerie Queene] which for tha ...

Information about Ireland

information about Ireland Ireland: capital of I: dublin, capital of NI: belafst, languages spoken: englsih, gealic (vikings), whos was st. patrik: a roman catholic british who was held as slave in I, he flat from there returned and made the pagan I catholic, he converted/christianised I, he is the patron saint/a missionary who brought the roman- ...


Ireland  486 km long 280 km broadly 84500 km² 5,1 million inhabitants  Rep. Ireland    state in western europe 70273 km² 3,7 million inhabitants capital ® Dublin consists of a flatwavy Tiflande richly at lakes and moorlands many low mountain range it rains very much very many Gras ® ...

Referat engeza - Greuceanu

GREUCEANU   Once upon a time there was a king by the name of Red. .This king was very upset because some monsters stole the Sun and the Moon, his kingdom remaining in darkness .he promised his daughter and half of his kingdom to the one that will release the two Stars. Although many tried, none of them succeeded. So a brave and mighty war ...

The Egyptian civilization

      According to the Egyptian account of creation, only the ocean existed at first. Then Ra, the sun, came out of an egg (a flower, in some versions) that appeared on the surface of the water. Ra brought forth four children, the gods Shu and Geb and the goddesses Tefnut and Nut. Shu and Tefnut became the atmosphere. They s ...

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