engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

  On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural SelectionCharles Darwin, M.A., Fellow of the Royal, Geological, Linnæan, etc. societies; Author of Journal of researches during H. M. S. Beagle's Voyage round the world. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1859  Slow process of change from one form to another, as in the evoluti ...

One of the great medieval castles of western Europe - Caerphilly Castle

Caerphilly Castle   In the town centre, Caerphilly, South Wales Location map link for Caerphilly Castle Caerphilly Castle is one of the great medieval castles of western Europe. Several factors give it this pre-eminence - its immense size (1.2h), making it the largest in Britain after Windsor, its large-scale use of water for defen ...

Opinions about Romania

Opinions about Romania        Romania is a country which never made a difference to the other nations of the world , due to the fact that it never had an independent history . The pages that have been written over the years with a history that we like to call “ours” are nothing else but a clear reflecti ...

Osama bin Laden - Sponsored by US and Pakistan, Turned against the US, Islamic front

Osama bin Laden  Osama bin Laden is both one of the CIA's most wanted men and a hero to many young people in the Arab world. He and his associates were already being sought by the US on charges of international terrorism, including in connection with the 1998 bombing of American embassies in Africa and last year's attack on the USS Cole i ...

Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck - Unification, Chancellor, Evaluation

  Bismarck, Prince Otto Edward Leopold von (1815-1898), Prusso-German statesman, who was the architect and first chancellor (1871-1890) of the German Empire. Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815, at Schönhausen, north-west of Berlin, the son of a landowning nobleman (Junker) and a prosperous bourgeois mother: his multifaceted background ...


All Dressed in White    THE WEDDING DRESS   When should you start looking for your dream outfit?' When you visit any bridal store the wedding dresses you try on are samples. Once you have chosen a style, then the shop will take your measurements, order one gown especially for you, and then arrange a schedule of f ...


Pocahontas Pocahontas was most likely born in Werawocomoco (what is now Wicomico, Gloucester County, Virginia) on the north side of the Pamaunkee (York) River, around the year 1595. Her true name was Matoaka, but that name was only used within her tribe. Native Americans believed harm would come to a person if outsiders learned of their tr ...

Proiect - The Flag of The United States of America

    Table of Contents   1. Evolution of the United States Flag…………………………………….1 2.The original Pledge of Allegiance…………………………………&hel ...

New York1

New York     New York is a big city in the United States of America. The Dutch founded New York in 1624. It wasn´t very big at that time and called „New Amsterdam“. It was first called New York by the British 1664. In the 19th century, New York grew rapidly and became a major port. In 1861 the Civil War began, it w ...

Making Use of the Internet for English Studies - proiect engleza

Making Use of the Internet for English Studies Preface The Internet. The media everybody talks about and wants to get use of . Newspapers and magazines are covered with articles about this complicate network, even though they are presenting the issues on their own homepages in the Internet; every single company, may it be a little store or a ty ...

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