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The dictatorship of Adolf Hitler

The dictatorship of Adolf Hitler     Adolf Hitler was born on the 20th april 1889 (eighteen-eighty-nine) in Hanau in Austria. First he worked as an opportunity worker In the first world war he fight for the german army as an private. 1921 (nineteen-twenty-one) he became the chairman of the National Socialist German labour party. ...

The Elizabethan Era

The Elizabethan Era Queen Elizabeth I (*1533-+1603) Queen of England (1558 to1603) Under her reign England became an economic power   Elizabethan England 5million inhabitants 4/5 of the population lived in the country London was the trade center of England and had 25000 inhabitants most of England was covered with forests ...


THE EMERGENCE OF BANTU-SPEAKING CHIEFDOMS The southward penetration of pastoralists brought Khoikhoi stock farmers to the western Cape, where sheep can be traced to the early Christian era, and cattle to about the end of the first millenium AD. But befor the beginning of agriculture it is necessary to look to the east. The growing of millet, ass ...

The Fat Girl

The Fat Girl The book is written by Marylin Sachs. The centre of attention is a boy named Jeff and Ellen, the fat girl. Jaff is a good looking seventeen-year-old boy. He lives in a house with his mother and his sister. His parents are divorced. His father is married again and has two new sons. Jeff is not very happy with his family circumstances ...


The INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (John Watney) History/facts: - time, when Britain was transformed from a largely agricultural country into one that was predominantly industrial - 1730-1850 and causes/results beyond - Britain was the first country to be industrialised: o Had two essential natural resources: coal and iron o Island: free from dist ...

The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice Facts The Merchant of Venice was written around 1596/97. It is a comedy in 5 acts, written in verse and prose. The first performance took place in London before 1600. It was first printed in 1600. Shakespeare used sources like e.g. "The jew of Malta" by Christopher Marlowe, or "Il Pecorone" by Ser Giova ...

The Midlands

The Midlands The Midlands is in the middle in England between the south of England, east England, the North Sea and the north of England as well as Wales on the Westside with the Cambrian mountains. The climate is mild. There are high precipitation, strong hoist and low differences between the temperature in the summer and the winter, on the day ...

The missing diamond ring

the missing diamond ring It was monday morning, when the phone rang. I didn’t hear it, because I was reading the newspaper and drinking some coffee, so my partner Michael, who has his desk on the other side of the room, answered the phone. I was reading an article about missing dogs, when my partner said: "Let’s go, there is som ...

The Outsider1

The Outsiders THE OUTSIDERS, by S.E.HINTON The Author: Susan Eloise Hinton wrote the novel The Outsiders when she was 16 years old. She grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and was a publishing author by the age of 17. She has always enjoyed reading but wasn\'t satisfied with the literature that was being written for young adults, which influence ...

The Outsiders3

The Outsiders Ponyboy gets out of the cinema and starts to walk home. Pony is very good at school, but he never uses his head outside that building. His parents died, and now he lives alone with Darry and Soda, his brothers. He is in a gang called "Greasers"; they wear their hair long and dress in jeans and T-shirts. Suddenly four &quo ...

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