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Valentines day

      Valentines Day Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do k ...

Who were the English

Who were the English?    The Anglo-Saxons, or English, came from the continent of Europe and began settling in Britain about 200 years before the time of the Sutton Hoo burial. Until about AD400, Britain had been part of the great Roman Empire, which covered most of the known world. In the fifth century, a great movement of people ...


WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S KING LEAR THE AUTHOR AND HIS TIMES   It would be nice if we could say that William Shakespeare wrote King Lear when he himself was at an advanced age. We could picture him becoming concerned with retirement and the disposal of his property and goods. But the theory collapses when you realize that Shakespeare ...

World War 1 from 1914 to 1918

World War 1  World War was a military conflict wich lasted from 1914 to 1918, that began as a local European war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia on July 28, 1914; was transformed into a general European struggle by declaration of war against Russia on August 1, 1914; and eventually became a global war involving 32 nations. Twenty-eight o ...

World War Two

World War TwoAppearing before the Nazi Reichstag (Parliament) on the sixth anniversary of his coming to power, Adolf Hitler made a speech commemorating that event and also made a public threat against the Jews... "In the course of my life I have very often been a prophet, and have usually been ridiculed for it. During the time of my struggl ...


SITTING BULLTatanka Iyotake, known throughout the world as Sitting Bull, ranks as the greatest of all the Sioux Indians. He was chief of a Sioux band and leader of one of the largest assemblies of Indian warriors in North America. He was a medicine man with far-seeing visions and an extraordinary ability to plan and organise. Sitting Bull was bo ...

Soccer - referat engleza

Soccer Football is an 11-a-side field game played with a spherical ball; the most widely played team game in the world and the most popular spectator sport, followed avidly by millions of fans. It is often popularly called ”soccer” (especially in the United States) which is a slang term dating from about 1891 as a shortening of &rdqu ...

Something about Johannes Gutenberg

Something about Johannes Gutenberg Johannes Gutenberg was born in 1397 and died in 1468 in Mainz. His real name is Johannes Gensfleisch. He invented the book printing with movable letters. In Mainz he trained as a goldsmith. In 1438 Gutenberg entered into a partnership with Andreas Dritzehn to conduct experiments in printing. 1450 Gutenberg form ...

Space Ships - Impulse Drive, Warp Drive and Dilithium Crystals, Warp Drive and Negative Energy

Space Ships: Impulse Drive, Warp Drive and Dilithium Crystals The impulse drive is powered by nuclear fusion. The problem here is that fusion turns only one percent of the available mass into energy. you can work out how much fuel would be required to do the following simple manoeuvre: start from rest, go to half the speed of light and then st ...


Speech Speech “Politics is a dirty business!” We absolutely agree on this statement. In the following we will present evidences to support our opinion.   Firstly to proof this we discovered that that the German President gets elected only by the parliament but the citizens don’t have any real influence on his / her ele ...

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