engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie


Aaliyah Hello I want to tell you about Aaliyah, a famous singer and actor who died with only 22 years, because of a plane accident. I want you to listen to her life, from the beginning on until the end... Her full name was Aaliyah Dana Haughton. Her name, Aaliyah, means <the best/the highest>. She was born on 16th of January, 1979 in Broo ...

About Michael Schumacher

About Michael Schumacher Michael Schumacher was born on the 3rd January 1969 in Hürth-Hermülheim. He is one of the best car racing drivers all over the world. With the age of 6 he started his career in a cart club. His father trained and helped him very much. But then the money was a problem, because Michael became much better very fas ...

All about Australia

Australia    History:   Australia is a country of contrasts. It is as big as the USA without Alaska, but has only 17,1 millions inhabitants. The first humans, who already came 40.000 years ago, were the aboriginal inhabitants from Asia. But its written history began only 200 years ago with the beginning of the colonisation ...

American Dreams

American Dreams   1. “America the Beautiful” is a very positive and patriotic song. Katherine Lee Bates is the songwriter and she puts a lot of emotions and truths in this important song. She describes the prettiness and the fascinating things of this `beautiful` country. The poem “The New Colossus”, written b ...


Australia Australia In the late 18th century James Cook discovered Australia. English settlers came soon afterwards. At first Australia consisted of several prisoners` camps for dangerous criminals (murderers, arsonists, rapists…..). The prisoners built barracks and they had to live there. But there were many dangerous animals (poiso ...

Australia as a former British colony

Australia as a former British colony When 1770 the first European settler put his feet on Australian ground, the time of European colonialism had also been ring in in the fifth continent. In the next 150 years the native aboriginal culture of Down Under became victim of British oppression and the country economically dependent on the market of t ...

Australia Wildlife

Australia Wildlife Wildlife The kangaroo is an exciting animal, there are 60 kinds of kangaroos. The largest kangaroo red-giant-kangaroo. It is 1.65 metres long and it´s running reaches a speed nearly 90 km/h and it can jump a distance up to 3 metres. The red-giant-kangaroos can even reach the age of 20 years. Koala bears live in the outba ...

Ayers Rock1

Ayers RockAyers Rock was discovered in 1972 by Ernest Giles and was named after the Premier of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers. It is the world most famous monolith and the tallest rock in Australia with its highest point at 348 metres. Ayers Rock is also known by its aboriginal name 'Uluru'. The multi-coulured mountain is wonderful to see. A ...

Basketball in the NBA

Basketball in the NBA    NBA = National Basketball Association     - Basketball is very popular in the USA - Stars have got high – endowed1 contracts   History of Basketball and the NBA:   - 1891 basketball was originated by Dr. James Naismith - 1936 ...

Black Eyed Peas

Black Eyed Peas We talk about the band Black Eyed Peas.   The beginning of the Black Eyed Peas: This hip-hop group debuted in 1992 and has made three albums since then. The founder members were Will.i.am , Apl de ap and bandmember taboo. 2001: Fergie met will.i.am at BEP shows around town and was invited to join in on a recording s ...

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