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Romeo and Juliet, By William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet By William Shakespeare    The Actor:   The drama "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare was written in 1595.   The information we get about this person is that he was probably born on April 23rd in 1564 (St. George’s Day) in Stratford-on-Avon.   His parents were John Shakespe ...

San Francisco1

San Francisco San Francisco   My prenstation is about San Francisco. I will tell you something about the city, the history, some sights and a little bit about the environment. I start with the city.     Above the city   San Francisco is one of the most beautiful cities of the world. The many sights are to part world-f ...

Schools in Australia, Politics in Australia, The population of Australia

  Australia 1)    Schools in Australia   o       Lessons have come by the radio network o       E-mails make communication between students and teachers easier o       Email is used to send, check and return lessons to stud ...


Scotland  ? Topography of Scotland:   Physiograohic Regions:   Scotland is occupying the northern third of the British island and it is mainly divided into three different parts, called Highlands, Central Lowlands and Southern Uplands. The Highlands are a thinly populated mountainous area north of Stirling and west of ...

Scotland - Scottish National Gallery Of Modern Art

Scotland:   Cities and Capitals :   Scotland is a very beautiful Country, The Population in Scotland is 5.137.00 in 1995. In Scotland there speaks English, Scottish and Gaelic. The area in Scotland is 77.097 sq in kilometers. The Currency in Scotland is Pound Sterling. The Most popular places are Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, E ...


SHAKESPEARE and THE ELIZABETHIAN AGEToday I wanna tell you a bit about the Elizabethan Age and the most famous english Playwright William Shakespeare. This time is nearly equate with the Renaissance in England and got its name, as we allready know from Queen Elizabeth I., the last ruler of the Tudor-dynasty. The Plantagenet-families regency e ...

Shortstory - Just one day

Shortstory Just one day   He was looking at me and my heart stopped beating. I didn’t feel the floor right under my feet. My breathing was getting faster and in this moment I knew it, he or nobody. But this moment lasted just a few seconds and then I didn’ ...

Smoking tobacco on the occurence of bronchitis etc

Smoking tobacco on the occurence of bronchitis etc Smoking tobacco on the occurrence of bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and addiction to nicotine   Bronchitis Tar and other chemicals from cigarette smoke make smokers more likely to develop bronchitis. The air passages become inflamed. The cilia, lining the air passage stop beating, so ...

Soccer - very big essay

Soccer  Football is an 11-a-side field game played with a spherical ball; the most widely played team game in the world and the most popular spectator sport, followed avidly by millions of fans. It is often popularly called "soccer" (especially in the United States) which is a slang term dating from about 1891 as a shortening of & ...

Space Exploration

Space ExplorationTable of contents   Introduction page 2   1. The Sputnik Shock page 2   2. The Mercury Project page 3 2.1. What was Mercury about? 2.2. Mission History 2.3. The importance of Mercury   3. “Twins” in space: Gemini page 4 3.1. Just another step on the way to the Moon? 3.2. I ...

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