engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

Ambition - In order to live life fully you need an ambition

In order to live life fully you need an ambition     Ambition is defined as a strong desire to obtain success, power, or riches or as something that you want very much to do or to obtain. Having an ambition represents everything to many people. The only purpose in a man’s life is fulfilling his dream, because am ambition ca ...

Artistic and cultural activity in Britain

 Peoples and traditions    Artistic and cultural activity in Britain ranges from the highest professional standards to a wide variety of amateur involvement. London is one of the leading world centers for drama, music, opera and dance. Other cities are serve as centers of artistic excellence in their regions. Some 650 professiona ...

Britons in the midle age

  Following the withdrawal of the Roman legions to Gaul (modern France) around 400, the British Isles fell into a very dark period of several centuries from which almost no written records survive. The Roman-British culture that had existed under 400 years of Roman rule disappeared under ...

Business Manners - Dos and Donts

Business Manners Dos and Don'tsBusiness Manners: They make a major impression on colleagues, employees and customers. But sometimes, there's only a subtle difference between saying "the right thing" and "the wrong thing." To get yourself thinking about the right way to approach the etiquette problems you encounter each day, b ...

Camelot Village - The tower of London - The development of the Tower, The Tower in the 20th century

            The Tower of London has been the setting for many great events during its 900-year history as a royal palace and fortress, prison and place of execution, arsenal, mint, menagerie and jewel house. This timeline shows some of the most significant events that took place here. The Tower of ...

Communications - English the global language of communication

        English - the global language of communication     Throughout the modern history, the English-speaking countries have, somehow, dominated the global economy. First, there was The Commonwealth – the British colonies, which incl ...

Computer - uses of computers, how computer works, the operating system, range of computer ability

Computer I   INTRODUCTION Computer, machine that performs tasks, such as mathematical calculations or electronic communication, under the control of a set of instructions called a program. Programs usually reside within the computer and are retrieved and processed by the computer’s electronics, and the program ...

Earthquakes - Natural disasters - Weather conditions Blizzard, Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado, Floods and their prevention, Earthquakes, Fires, Volcanic eruptionPlague, Epidemiology

  Natural Disasters  Definition: A natural disaster is an event of nature that takes human lives or destroys property. Types of natural disaster: Weather conditions: Blizzard, Cyclone, Hurricane, Tornado. Floods and their prevention. Earthquakes. Fires and fire prevention. Volcanic eruption. Outbreaks of ...

God and satan - Christian Bible

God and Satan    Everyone in this world has heard about the existents of God and Satan. It says that God represents good and Satan represents bad. In the Bible is written that God created the world in seven days. Fist He created the heaven and the earth. The earth was bare and empty, and it was all covered by water. It was dark and ...

Grand Canyon - Geologic history, Biological past and present, Grand Canyon Series

Grand Canyon  Immense gorge cut by the Colorado River into the high plateaus of northwestern Arizona, U.S., noted for its fantastic shapes and coloration.   The broad, intricately sculptured chasm of the Grand Canyon contains between its outer walls a multitude of imposing peaks, buttes, canyons, and ravines. It ranges in width fro ...

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