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Philadelphia - Christopher Davis

Philadelphia     by Christopher Davis                        PHILADELPHIA by Christopher Davis Subject Andrew Beckett is a young and successful lawyer who works for a famous law-office in Philadelphia. One day he is suddenly fired ...

Political parties in Britain

Political parties in Britain   Labour Party-was established in 1906 as a result of a break by the trade unions with the Liberal Party. The Labour Party advocated a policy of winning limited reforms without fundamentally challenging the profit system. It pledged itself to establishing socialism following the October 1917 Russian Revolutio ...

Presentation about the Movie

Presentation about the Movie This movie played in the time, where the black people didn‘t have so many rights, than the white people (1932). The two mans Rayford Gibson and Claude Banks see a dead black people, where died by a white policeman and the dead people has get a golden clock from Rayford Gibson by a poker game. Of course Rayford ...


Prohibition 2.Course of the Prohibition 2.2. Volstead Act 2.3. President Harding 2.4. Development of the organized crime 2.4.1. Breeding ground Chicago 2.4.2. Al Capone 2.5. People´s attitude towards alcohol 7 . Bibliography _______________________________________________________________________ 2.2. In 1916 - when 23 out the 48 ...

Queensland - The Great Barrier Reef

Queensland The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest connected coral reef formation of the world. It`s like a garden under the sea. There are 1,500 different kinds of fish. There are also snails and shells. Some shells are danger for people because they are toxic. The coral reef is very colourfull and there are over 400 kind ...

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino Quentin Tarantino is a 41 year old American who’s a film producer, director, author and actor. Quentin Tarantino is born in Knoxville Tennessee on the 27th of March in 1963. His mother is a 16 years old nurse and his father, who studies law, is 21 years old. Quentin Tarantino is named after the character "Quint&quo ...

Radio and Television in US and Britain

Radio and Television in U.S. and BritainRadio and television in the U.S. and Britain    Development, organization and control of broadcasting   -         NBC was founded in 1926 and CBS in 1927 -         Both were commercial enterprises - & ...


Rainforest Rainforest Basic Informations: Rainforests provide a critical habitat for many of the Earth´s plant and animal species. They cover less than two percent of the globe. But they provide a home for more than fifty percent of all living things (more than five million species of plants, animals and insects), fifty million indigenous ...

Referat Sydney

Referat Sydney Sydney First I’d like to say few words about Sydney. Sydney is the largest and the oldest city of the continent Australia. It was created in 1788, 4mio out of 18mio Australians live in Sydney. When I start talking about tourist attractions, I will of course begin with the most recognisable icon and the most famous tourist at ...

Reported Speech

Reported Speech 19.4.2004 REPORTED SPEECH • Reported speech (or indirect speech) is used to report what someone has said without quoting them. Direct Speech Reported Speech Sally said: “I want to go home.” Sally said that she wanted to go home. Changing direct speech to reported speech • If the reporting verb is in the past ...

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