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Animal Farm

Animal Farm   About the author: George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Arthur Blair, was born on June 26th, 1903, in India. During his life he worked in lots of different professions. Most of them referred to writing or reporting. His first novel (Burmese Days) was published in 1934. In 1937 he went to S ...

Anne Frank

Anne Frank   Anne Frank was born on the 12th of June1929 and she was the second child of Otto Frank and Edith Frank-Holländer. Her sister Margot was three years older. The Franks lived in Frankfurt am Main but they moved to the Netherlands as it was not easy for them in Germany because they were jewish. In 1942 Otto and Edith Frank ...

Applying for a job

Applying for a job Jill North Personnel Manager DOUBLE QUICK Kleiststr. 115 b   10787 Berlin     Vacancy in Customer service Department   Dear Ms North, I am writing to a ...

ARMAMENT AND MILITARY RESEARCH - The beginning of modern armament, The nuclear arms race during the Cold War and the situation of today

ARMAMENT AND MILITARY RESEARCH  1. The beginning of modern armament   Technical further development is often connected with the armament and in the days of conflicts and wars research and science are heavy accelerated*. In World War One the soldiers fought on the land, the seas and for the first time in the air, so the scientists ...

Bookreport Aldous Huxley - Brave new World

Bookreport Aldous Huxley:Brave new World     1.)   The author 2.)   The book -         2.1) The report -         2.2) The characters -         2.3) Society and Religion 3.)   Ann ...

Born on the fourth of July

Born on the fourth of July   A true story of innocence lost and courage found.   This book describes the life of Ron Kovic who was born on the 4. of July. He loved Baseball, John Wayne and John F. Kennedy – but most of all, he loved his country. He was a natural athlete, a shy teen-ager who dreamed of girls, an All-American ...

Boston tea party

boston tea party (englisch) The Boston tea Party In 1773, Britain's East India Company was sitting on large stocks of tea that it could not sell in England. It was on the verge of bankruptcy. In an effort to save it, the government passed the Tea Act of 1773, which gave the company the right to export its merchandise directly to the colonies wit ...

Brave New World1

Brave New World  This science fiction novel written by Aldous Huxley takes place in London in 632 A.F. (after Ford). AF means Anno Fordii, who had produced his first T-Model car which was the first mass produced car in history. In this story the world is divided into 10 sections, each one controlled by a so-called “World Controlle ...

Brave New World

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 1. On the Author: Aldous Huxley was born in 1894 in Godalming near London, England. He visited Eton College and Oxford University. When he left university he started writing for several newspapers and magazines. In 1921 he wrote his first book "Crome Yellow". In 1932 the book "Brave New W ...


Brazil Introduction Brazil takes nearly the half of the whole continent. It borders on Venezuela in the north, on the atlantic ocean in the east and north-east, on uruguay in the south, in the west it’s Argentinia, Bolivia and Peru and Coulumbia is the country it borders in the north-west. With an area of 8.547.404 square kilometres ...

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