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The Mass Media

The Mass Media News travel faster today than ever before. We see, hear and read more about world events than any other generation in history. Radio, newspapers, TV - nobody can live without them. But today also the Internet has become very important for business. The mass media play an immensely important part in modern society as a source o ...

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man  Summary of the plot   On a wintry day in February a stranger arrives at the Coach-and-Horses Inn at Iping village and takes a room. When Mrs. Hall, the Innkeeper’s wife, goes in to serve lunch he is still wearing his hat and coat. He is also wearing blue spectacles and a big beard. When he takes lunch he remo ...

The Island of Dr Moreau

The Island of Dr. Moreau    A man - he is also the narrator of the story - finds himself in a lifeboat with two other men after their ship, the Lady in Vain, has sunk. After some days drifting through the sea the two other men start to struggle for water, fall over board and drown. The narrator himself is saved by a ship called the ...


THE KHOISAN PEOPLE San hunter-gatherers, likely descendants of the Late Stone Age peoples, may never have exceeded 20 000 in number. They lived in small bands of twenty to two hundred persons. They were highly mobile because of their dependence on game, and for same reason widely dispersed territorially. The political organisation was very rudim ...

The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe

“The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe” – by Daniel Defoe (1719)-     Arrangement     Biography of Daniel Defoe   Plot   Background   The genre   Robinson and colonisation   Robinson and nature   • Bibliography   ...

The Life of Abraham Lincoln

The Life of Abraham Lincoln   As the 16th President of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln is considered to be one of, if not the most famous American President. He lead the country through a difficult time where the future of the Union was threatened and till today he is remembered as the one who saved the nation.   He ...

The L-Shaped Room - Lynne Reid Banks

The L-Shaped Room by Lynne Reid Banks       - author: Lynne Reid Banks was born in London, July 1929 and was evacuated to Saskatchewan, Canada during World War ll. She was educated at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, graduating in 1949 and was an actress for five years. She worked as a journalist and was the fi ...

The man of the Year 2003

The man of the Year 2003 The Man of the Year   In our last issue we asked for the man of the year, and after studying all your letters, we are proud to present you last years man: Yesterday he celebrated his 35th birthday and he is the most successful formula one driver ever. I’m sure you know the man we are talking about, it’ ...

The Martian Chronicles

The Martian Chronicles (1950)   Introduction (Wait until this page is completely downloaded before clicking.) Clearly Bradbury had a certain vision of the Mars in which these stories areset, a fantasy world based far more on Edgar Rice Burroughs novels (APrincess of Mars and its many sequels) than on contemporary science.Bradbury re ...


THE MASAI The Masai are one of the last stock farmers in East Africa. They settle from the Serengeti to the Bantu-region in Tanzania, one part belongs to Kenya, the other to Tanzania. In Kenya are many (95) different tribes and it became independent from Great Britain in 1963. Tanzania became 1964 independent (since that year it is a confederati ...

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