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Josef Stalin and the URSS

Josef Stalin and the URSS Important Dates:   1879 Josef Stalin is born   1917 The October Revolution form Russia brings the Bolsheviks (communist) to power   1918-20 The Civil War   1922 Stalin is named General Secretary of the Communist Party. U.R.S.S is formed   1925-29 Stalin becomes the ruler o ...

Megalithic Myth - Stonehenge

Stonehenge itself remains a steadfast observer of the world, watching the seasons change from summer to fall to winter to spring and back again thousands of times over. But it also bears witness to movements in the heavens, observing the rhythm of the Moon and, more noticeably, the Sun. For most parts of the year, the sunrise can' ...


              WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE( 1564-1616) is the world's greatest poet and greatest dramatist, but we know very little about him. Stratford-upo ...

Sun Wu and His Book

Introduction: Sun Wu and His Book Ssu-ma Ch`ien gives the following biography of Sun Tzu: [1] Sun Tzu Wu (=Sun Tzu) was a native of the Ch`i State. His ART OF WAR brought him to the notice of Ho Lu, [2] King of Wu. Ho Lu said to him: "I have carefully perused your 13 chapters. May I submit your theory of managing soldiers to a slight tes ...

Teeth - Types of Human Teeth, Tooth Development, Disorders of Human Teeth

I INTRODUCTION  Teeth, hard, bony structures in the mouths of humans and animals used primarily to chew food, but also for gnawing, digging, fighting, and catching and killing prey. Teeth are the body’s hardest, most durable organ—long after bones and flesh have dissolved, archaeologists find well-preserved teeth from hum ...

The Renaissance - Impressionism

The Renaissance     The Renaissance is usualy defined as the rebirth of painting and literature inspired by classical models,especially those of ancient Greece.The Renaissance lasted from the fifteenth to the sixteenth century and its centre was Italy.The great artists of the perio ...

The Generation Game - Teen Suicide

3. The Generation Game Teen Suicide  Every teen-ager no matter the color of his skin, his beliefs or his origins is sometimes confused about his life. Some of the youngsters don’t have someone to talk to or don’t feel comfortable talking to their parents and relatives about their problems and doubts. One of the solutions that t ...

The Great Barrier Reef - Australia

2. AUSTRALIA The Great Barrier Reef   Sometimes referred to as the tropical rainforests of the seas, coral reef ecosystems are highly diverse, productive aquatic marine communities. Coral reefs are biogenic deposits formed by coral, marine invertebrates belonging to the phylum Cnidaria and class Anthozoa. Coral are sensible animals li ...

THE PRONOUN - THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS, THE INTEROGATIVE PRONOUN, The Relative Pronouns, The Possessive Pronouns, The Demonstrative Pronouns, The Reflexive Pronouns, The Emphatic Pronouns

THE PRONOUN  CLASSIFICATION     The Personal Pronouns The Interrogative Pronouns The Relative Pronouns The Possessive Pronouns The Demonstrative Pronouns The Impersonal / General Pronouns The Reflexive Pronouns The Emphatic Pronouns The Indefinite Pronouns The Reciprocal Pronouns     THE PERSONAL P ...

The structure of the human alimentary canal - The mouth, The stomach, The small intestine, The colon and rectum

The structure of the human alimentary canalThe alimentary canal is a long hollow tube which runs from the mouth to the anus .Together with several other organs, including the liver and the pancreas, it makes up the digestive system. The total length of the human alimentary canal is between 5 and 6 m, from anus to mouth. To fit this considerable ...

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