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English Grammar

English Grammar English Grammar by Julia Berger page content 1 Cover 2 Content 3 Simple present 3 Present progressive 4 Simple past 4 Past progressive 5 Present perfect 5 Past perfect simple 5 Will-Future 6 Going-to- future 6 Future progressive 6 Futur 2 6 Negation 7 Passive 7 Reported speech 8 Conditional sentences 9 Refer ...


Environment - eggsHow you can see, where an egg is fromOn average, the Germans eat 18 billion eggs a year. More than 80 per cent are from hens from chicken-batteries. Animal protectors have demanded a long time for finish this cruelty to animals, to forbid the chicken-batteries and to mark the eggs, so that you can see where they come from. Since ...


Europe's quiet Revolution Europe’s quiet Revolution Mountains have suffered from ill-conceived development, and mistakes on mountains have cost valleys dear. In the future the European environmental law, could hopefully provide new hope for Europe’s mountains, and new opportunities for its businesses. So, at present, a lot of compani ...

Film Review

Film Review On a stormy winterday, 1958, the mysterious woman Vianne Rocher moved with her daughter Anouk into a little tranquil town in the south of France. Viannes Mother, Chitza, came from India. She belonged to an old Maya tribe, which moved, together with the northwind from place to place. Chitza was taught, how to make traditionel cocoa w ...

Flying doctors

flying doctors - australia  The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia is a not-for-profit charitable service providing aero medical emergency and primary health care services together with communication and education assistance to people who live, work and travel in regional and remote Australia. There are eight RFDS entities that prov ...

Genetic Engineering - not everything is perfect

Genetic Engineering -- not everything is perfect   Genetic engineering promises much in the fields, animal husbandry, food crops… If we take genetically modified food, especially plants, we can improve crop fields for example. It is all too easy that we forget about the risks. The risks are great. Genetics a ...

Go Ask Alice

Go Ask Alice!   Alice is fifteen, white, middle, class. She diets, she dates. She loves Roger but the most time he doesn’t notice her. If she would ever sleep with a boy she would sleep with him. Alice hates her look. She wants to be pretty and slim. Lately she loses fascination about all things. School is boring and she doesn&rsqu ...


Halloween Already on afternoon 31 October takes off children in all kinds of scary linings to make in order to request from their right, in the neighbourhood sweets, to use. Since also quite already older children take part in the a collecting, the demand for donation and acceptance can drag on at the entry door over a some number of hours on th ...

History of Afghanistan

History of Afghanistan AFGHANISTAN History     Afghanistan, often called the crossroads of Central Asia, has had a turbulent history. In 328 BC, Alexander the Great entered the territory of present-day Afghanistan, then part of the Persian Empire, to capture Bactria (present-day Balkh). Invasions by the Scythians, White Huns, and T ...


Immigration It is a matter of fact that the United States of America is a nation of immigrants and that it is definitely shaped by them. The reasons for immigration are dreams of people. I like to mention three main groups of immigrants. Firstly, there are those immigrants who came for religious reasons. These people emigrated to the New World ...

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