engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence Well, all began at the 12th October, 1492…. By Columbus, who discovered America, all European people have known of the “new world”. After some years there were built the first colonies. Slowly, more and more settlers from all over the world came to America and bec ...


THE EARLIEST SOUTH AFRICANS South Africa has provided a home for human settlement since very early times. The presence of homo sapiens goes back perhaps 125 000 years. These first South Africans" were followed much later by hand-toolmakers of the Middle Stone Age (probably 40 000 years ago), the so-called Wilton-Smithfield cultural system ( ...

The Elizabethan view of the World

The Elizabethan view of the World   -          great social and cultural changes, influenced by Shakespeare, the Christian church und the renaissance -          God created the universe, and put everything in right positions. Man should save this at ...

The Empire State Bulding

The Empire State Bulding The Empire State Building The Empire State Building is 381 meters high. It has got 102 floors. Over 4,3 million people are visiting the ESB every year. Located on the 86th floor, 320 meters above the streets there’s a pavillon which consists of glass. On the 102nd floor, there‘s an Open air terrace. If the we ...

The European Union1

The European Union The European Union The development from the ECSC to the EU After the II World War the European leaders wanted to unite their countries economically and politically. In 1951 the European Steel and Coal Community (ECSC) was created. In 1957 the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) and the European Economic Community (EEC) ...

The History of Zorro

The History of Zorro The character of Zorro has captured the fancy of every generation since his humble beginnings on the pages of a pulp novel in 1919. For over five decades, young and old alike around the world have been infatuated with the brave and gallant swordsman who rights wrongs and defends the weak and oppressed. The Mask of Zorro is ...

The Midlands1

The Midlands The Midlands 1. geography 2. economy 3. cities of the Midlands ( with some facts about their own history, their sights and something about them in general ) 4. some special men ( who are born in the Midlands ) The Midlands are in the middle of England between the South of England, East Anglia, the North Sea and the North of England ...

The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway

The Old Man and the Sea from Ernest Hemingway   Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899, and began his writing career for The Kansas City Star in 1917. During the First World War he volunteered as an ambulance driver on the Italian front but was sent home, having been seriously wounded while serving with the infantry. In ...

The Outback

The Outback  The Outback is the hottest and dryest teritory in Australia. It is 7.686.848 square kilometres big. The dayly temperature is 40 °C. Just a few humans are living there, like the Aborigenees. They are Asian decent.   In some places are cattle stations, where humans breed animals. In Westaustralia were many camel s ...

The Outsiders

The Outsiders review of the book The title of this book is The Outsiders. It was written by S.E. Hinton and takes place in the past. The novel is about a boy, Ponyboy, who has lost his parents and lives now together with his brothers in their house. With them and friends he is in a gang, whom calls the greasers. Their enemies are the Socs. At ...

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